An independent elementary school located in Atlanta, serving children ages three through Sixth Grade since 1951.
Planned Giving

Planned Giving

For Professional Advisors

As a professional advisor, you build your client relationships on trust and mutual respect. The same is true for our relationships with our friends and donors.

We understand that financial, philanthropic, and estate goals are unique to the individual. For this reason, we believe that charitable planning is a process that ideally involves the donor, professional advisor, and our planned giving staff – all working together to arrange the best gift possible. We welcome the opportunity to work with you in helping your clients identify tax-wise and beneficial ways to support Trinity’s charitable not-for-profit mission.

Please feel free to contact us directly for information or assistance on a confidential basis.

Tools for Professional Advisors
Legal Name: Trinity School, Inc.

Incorporated in: Atlanta, GA 30327

Trinity's Planned Giving staff provides support for a full range of charitable Gift Planning options and services. Trinity School, its employees, or representatives do not offer legal or financial advice. We strongly urge prospective donors to consult with their attorney, financial advisor, estate planning professional, accountant, or other appropriate professional before making any material decisions based on information we provide through this website, printed materials, or other sources.

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